Four Square Series – Morse Code

Truth and Mercy
Print on Watercolor Paper, 13.5″ x 13.5″

Which Comes First?
Print on Watercolor Paper, 13.5″ x 13.5″

We Need Them Both
Print on Watercolor Paper, 13.5″ x 13.5″

I Remember Mercy
Print on Watercolor Paper, 13.5″ x 13.5″
Four Square Series – Arizona Sunset

“Ouch!” I Have a Sunburn
Print on Watercolor Paper, 13.5″ x 13.5″

Adobe Dusk
Print on Watercolor Paper, 13.5″ x 13.5″

Lavendar Weave
Print on Watercolor Paper, 13.5″ x 13.5″

Grandma’s Loom
Print on Watercolor Paper, 13.5″ x 13.5″
Four Square Series – Bubblegum Beach Day

Parasol for Pastey
Print on Watercolor Paper, 13.5″ x 13.5″

Bubblegum Beach Ball
Print on Watercolor Paper, 13.5″ x 13.5″

Straw Bonnets Galore
Print on Watercolor Paper, 13.5″ x 13.5″

Just Weave Me Here
Print on Watercolor Paper, 13.5″ x 13.5″
Four Square Series – Do You Bayou?

This Isn’t Plumb
Print on Watercolor Paper, 13.5″ x 13.5″

There’s a Leak
Print on Watercolor Paper, 13.5″ x 13.5″

Water Wins
Print on Watercolor Paper, 13.5″ x 13.5″

Mossy Streams
Print on Watercolor Paper, 13.5″ x 13.5″
Four Square Series – Kinderdijk Wind

Flying to Kinderdijk
Print on Watercolor Paper, 13.5″ x 13.5″

A Long Ways Off
Print on Watercolor Paper, 13.5″ x 13.5″

Whirring Windmills
Print on Watercolor Paper, 13.5″ x 13.5″

Gems of Holland